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Swaption - Financial definition

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Translations:      FR  option de swap (n.f.) , option sur swap (n.f.) , swaption (n.f.)     ES  opción sobre swap (n.f.) , swapción (n.f.)     DE  Option auf Swap (n.f.) , Swaption (n.f.) 

  Concise definition of the term swaption

An option on a swap. A payer’s swaption gives the holder the right to pay fixed in an interest rate swap if he so wishes. A receiver’s swaption gives the holder the right to receive fixed in an interest rate swap.

  Comprehensive definition of the term swaption

A payer’s swaption could be bought to hedge the floating rate debt cost of a major stage in a project financing, for example - if rates have risen at the end of the life of the option it will be exercised to allow the project to pay fixed in a swap. If rates have fallen then the option is allowed to die and the swap is not entered into.

 Additional information related to this definition

Definitions of related terms

Interest rate swap   •  Option  •  Swap

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