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Central counterparty  (CCP) - Financial definition

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Translations:      FR  contrepartie centrale (n.f.)     ES  contraparte central (n.f.) , contrapartida central (n.f.)     DE  zentrale Gegenpartei (n.f.) , zentraler Kontrahent (n.m.) 

  Concise definition of the term central counterparty

An infrastructure - very often a component of a clearing house - that facilitates clearing and settlement for its members by standing between the buyer and the seller of a trade. It may net transactions, and substitutes itself as a settlement counterparty to each position.

  Comprehensive definition of the term central counterparty

A central counterparty eliminates the counterparty risk in a financial transaction and thus mitigates replacement cost risk, which is the risk that the remaining party has to replace the trade at a less favorable price.
Role of a central counterparty (CCP) in trading
Trading relationships with and without a central counterparty

 Additional information related to this definition

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