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Conversion factor - Financial definition

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Translations:      FR  facteur de concordance (n.m.)     ES  factor de conversión (n.m.)     DE  Konversionsfaktor (n.m.) 

  Concise definition of the term conversion factor

Multiplicator used to neutralize differences in the characteristics in terms of coupon rate and maturity of the deliverable bonds for a futures contract.

  Comprehensive definition of the term conversion factor

Usage of the conversion factor

The conversion factor is a key element in hedge calculations and, more generally, in the analysis of all market operations including bonds and futures.
When a futures contract is held until maturity, the delivery price of a bond for physical settlement of the future is obtained by multiplying the bond's price with its conversion factor.


Mathematically, the conversion factor is the bond's clean price, using the future contract's delivery date as value date and the future's nominal coupon rate as the bond's yield.
Name: Bundesobligation (Ticker Bloomberg ticker: DBR)
Coupon: 4.000%
Maturity: 04-JAN-2018

Nominal coupon: 6.000%
Delivery date: 10-JUN-2009

As mentioned above, we will calculate the bond's clean price using the future's delivery date as value date, and its coupon rate as the bond's yield.

Bond cash flow table
Cash flow date Discount period Cash flow amount Cash flow present value
04-JAN-2010 0.56986 4.000 3.8694
04-JAN-2011 1.56986 4.000 3.6503
04-JAN-2012 2.56986 4.000 3.4437
04-JAN-2013 3.56986 4.000
04-JAN-2014 4.56986 4.000
04-JAN-2015 5.56986 4.000 2.8914
04-JAN-2016 6.56986 4.000 2.7277
04-JAN-2017 7.56986 4.000 2.5733
04-JAN-2018 8.56986 104.000 63.1198
Sum 88.5893
Accrued interest to be substracted 1.7205
Clean price 86.8688
The conversion factor, expressed in decimal format is 0.868688.

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