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Financial acronyms

The entire acronym collection of this site is now also available offline with this new app for iPhone and iPad.

Detail view of Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)  529900G3SW56SHYNPR95

Legal entity name:
Deutsche Börse AG
Legal jurisdiction:
Inferred jurisdiction:

MIC codes with this Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)

MIC code
MIC code type
Market name
Operational MIC
Deutsche Boerse Digital Exchange
Market segment MIC
Deutsche Boerse Mid-Point Cross
Market segment MIC
Deutsche Boerse AG - Customized Indices
Market segment MIC
Deutsche Boerse AG - Volatility Indices
Market segment MIC
Deutsche Boerse AG - Indices
Market segment MIC
Xetra - Non-financial Instruments
Market segment MIC
Xetra - Scale
Market segment MIC
Xetra – Reguliertermarkt – Off-Book
Market segment MIC
Xetra – Freiverkehr– Off-Book
Market segment MIC
Xetra – Scale – Off-Book
Market segment MIC
Xetra - Non-financial Instruments - Off-book
Operational MIC
Deutsche Boerse AG