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Standard SWIFT ISO15022
Vue de détail du message MT935 - Avis de modification de taux

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  Utilisation du message MT935

Advises the Receiver of general rate change(s) and/or rate change(s) which applies to a specific account other than a call/notice loan/deposit account

  Scope du message MT935

This multiple message is used by the Sender to advise interest rate change(s) to the Receiver.

It is used to advise the details of:

  • General interest rate change(s).
  • Interest rate change(s) which apply to specific account(s), other than call/notice loan/deposit account(s), serviced by the Sender of the message for the Receiver.

Interest rate change(s) that can be advised by this message type include: NOTICE, CALL, PRIME, COMMERCIAL, BASE, CURRENT and DEPOSIT.

  Structure du message MT935